Medical Waste Management
We value superior customer service as much as you do. From point of origin to final disposal, Rapid Medical Waste offers one local contact who will provide customized solutions for your medical waste needs.
As a founding member of the Medical Waste Management Association, created to promote standards, research, education and regulatory advocacy, you can be assured Rapid Medical Waste will keep you informed on the latest regulations.
It’s critical that medical waste is separated from recycling and refuse, and that it is disposed of properly and according to regulations. We train your employees to stay compliant in all of these areas.
Medical waste: what goes where?
Our full-service approach to medical waste includes personalized needs evaluation and planning because sometimes it’s clear where waste should go, but often it depends on a variety of factors.
Minimizing what is put in Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) is important for cost-control, but it is equally important to put everything in RMW that should be included, as fines for putting RMW into trash or recycling can be high.
Medication is not considered regulated medical waste and requires a different disposal method, often provided by governmental agencies.
Loose Sharps?
Sharps may only be included in regulated medical waste if in a disposable sharps container.
Broken Glass?
Broken glass is considered a "sharp" because it can penetrate the skin. Contaminated, broken glass is considered regulated medical waste.

Rapid Medical Waste can handle all of your medical waste needs, from point of origin to final disposal, so you can focus on what’s important to you.